Sometimes life is a bowl of cherries, and sometimes it’s the pits. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. So, when you love food and find out you can’t eat certain things, what do you do?
Here’s where we’ll talk about ideas for living free of gluten, lactose, eggs -- and/or any other foods that cause dietary issues. We'll share our favorite products and recipes, and suggestions for where to dine out.
My current favorite product is KIND bars. These gluten-free fruit and nut bars are delicious – I’d recommend them to gluten-tolerant folks, as well. Many varieties are peanut-free, for those with that particular nut allergy. I keep some in my purse so that I always have a handy, healthful snack when I'm on the go. You can find limited varieties at your local grocery store in the nutritional bars section. I've also seen them at my local Starbuck's and Smoothie King. See what flavors you like, and then my suggestion is to buy them by the case through That will save you about 50 cents per bar off the retail price. You also can order direct from KIND and get complete nutritional information by visiting
Let us know how you like these and which is your favorite variety. Right now, I’m hooked on Cranberry Almond + Antioxidants.
Feeding Frenzy has not received any compensation for this product review.