We welcome you to our "table," as long as you bring along your best manners:
- We love recommending our favorite foods, kitchen gadgets, ideas for entertaining and great places to dine, and will happily share with our fans/followers/subscribers.
- We will not write about things we don't love and will not promise a review/post unless we are smitten with your product or idea, and we decide we're in the mood to write about it. Sometimes, we let things simmer for a bit, so please don't try to rush the chef.
- Feeding Frenzy is our outlet for sharing our interests outside of our normal jobs in public relations. Since we "get" PR, we're open to it, but check out our About Us tab to make sure what you're promoting fits our menu.
If you send us something to sample or try out, that's great. We will not send it back to you. If we like it and think our readers will want to know about it, great. We won't post anything that doesn't pass our particular taste test, but won’t write anything negative about it either (please note one exclusion – we will always be candid and honest in restaurant reviews). We will let you know within one week of trial what we think ... good or bad ... providing you some valuable priceless feedback from our combined 40+ years of marketing and food experience.
Pitch it to us:
Toss into our cart anything related to food and entertaining, including:
- Cooking gadgets
- Food products
- Food trends and recipes
- Dining out
- Entertaining
- Cookbooks
- "Free" products -- gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.
- Food festivals
- Wine and spirits
More recipe notes:
We don’t take money for reviews…usually. We are always open to targeted sponsorships and advertising. Contact us with questions.
Advertising and promotional (giveaway) ideas welcome. We like free stuff and so do our readers. Assume you’ll ship prizes directly to the winners.
We're your hostesses and we like our guests to relax and have fun. If you’re a good guest, we’ll invite you back again.