Here in the desert lemon trees are prolific. So much so that when it’s time to harvest, tree owners sneak bags of lemons onto unsuspecting friends’ doorsteps. What to do with this bounty?
Make all things lemon. I zest them, and freeze the zest in 1 t. measures for future use. I juice them and put 2 c. measures in a freezer bag for future lemonade. I use some of the juice and make lemon curd. And, of course, I use a bunch to make limoncello….all you need is lemons, cheap vodka and simple syrup.
Once it’s done, you can give it as a gift, or store it in the freezer and make lemontinis in the middle of the summer. And, non-food related, once you have that lemontini in your hand, you can use lemons to clean with --
o Lemon juice can be used to dissolve soap scum and hard water deposits.
o Lemon is a great substance to clean and shine brass and copper.
o Lemon juice can be mixed with vinegar and/or baking soda to make cleaning pastes. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes, surfaces, and stains.
o Mix 1 cup olive oil with ½ cup lemon juice and you have a furniture polish for your hardwood furniture.
o Put a whole lemon peel through the garbage disposal. It freshens the drain and the kitchen. Orange peels can be used with the same results.
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